That evening I remembered everything connects to everything else and self-help is the best help. Nobody cares what you exactly feel or what you do for them. Do you really think that people should meet and see ourselves from others point of view!!
On the heaviest mornings- days are filled with snowflakes and my heart too filled with too many questions…
When you can’t get out of your bed, mummered that we are strong enough and thank God that we are not dead mentally!
On the dullest night when we feel to let go all still in a dilemma to hold on something the picture goes on where our heart say that “Oh love !..go a bit slow
To those souls who have forgotten to live !..who has many things to say but can’t
I know why most adults fear death because there is a lot more to live, to love, to be in love, not only to stay alive but to live your dreams to the fullest…Well, I must also mention there are a lot more ways to die- before death: Bullying, Indifference, malice, Heartbreak are some of those through which people can’t get over.
We humans, we forget to live, we forget what happiness means, we forget to fly, we forget to learn, we forget to love, and many more! But that evening dawn, when the sun was about to set I remembered sudden little works which really means to live, to fulfils our dream and still believing that something magical can happen when we try to build it! 😉