On your terms: Towards financial sovereignty
Few months ago, Genesis block marked their 10th anniversary when across the world crypto holders withdrew funds from third party exchanges. This stated "Proof of Key Celebration" honoured by crypto's founding principle of the independent financial centralized systems which also enhanced the core focus on wallets. The total inception of blockchain wallet comes from the ethos "Be your own bank". Being driven by passion, we empower our users also we’re equally committed to sanctifying their security. That’s why, as a non-custodial wallet, we had never access your password or funds.Our competitors have often claimed and ensured that users retain control over their funds requires a trade off in functionality.The blockchain technology and cryptocurrency markets have been drowned during the inception of Bitcoin in 2009, that users are wondering 'Will the bitcoin take over the financial system as we know today? Moreover 30m+ Blockchain Wallet holders using our platform to store, trade and transact while maintaining full control of your funds. It takes moments to create a free Blockchain Wallet with a verified email address. Transferring funds to the newly created blockchain wallet is simply easy- as we send the funds from the existing address which was created when you click on request in your blockchain wallet. So, actually here is the way to take back the control of your crypto!
A driven look into enterprise bitcoin development also shows remarkable results as-' To process over a $1 Billion for a second year in a row despite bitcoin's large price drop shows that bitcoin is being used to solve real pain points around the world'. As for cryptocurrency people might have heard lot of bad news but the stable grounds of blockchains payments include new customers- Dish Network, HackerOne, State of Ohio. Also B2B business ranked more than doubled, in our bitpay wallet we have added integrations with different gift cards. In sales and marketing, product development 78% talented workers of our team added values and compliance to the operations.
The major part also include the sustainability and how environment can be protected by Blockchain-
This technology actually has the potential to distribute the power previously held by a central entity across all actors in a network. You must have heard about how blockchain can disrupt the financial industry and eliminate banks, but what it can do for the environment, or more specifically, for the Sustainable Development Goals defined by the UN? As we can say a lot is happening in the world, as in centralized systems where value travels slowly. These central entities have become the gateways to information flow and to pose challenges. In order to fight this, there must be place for quick adoptions-alterations and innovations. Central entity can tackle the problems of bringing transparency and eliminating inefficiencies. Like every other sectors- our financial sector is also compromised with some other kind of authority and central entity. For example: Energy sector suffers a lot from inefficient electricity transmission whereas power consumption and production takes place in our surroundings. Redesigning existing models and transforming the infrastructure to make distribution of power for making tremendous amount of resources.
We can also refer to photovoltaics on a top of a building, can be connected to blockchain and trade energy surplus directly with the nearest buyer. Such a model eliminates unnecessary transactions and accelerates the transmission process, contributing to sustainable consumption.
Nowadays Supply chains too have, become very complex and hard to track. This actually poses a challenge when history of a product, like information on sustainable production, is requested. Even if production is sustainable, the data might be lost in paper-heavy processes. On the other hand, data can be forged when going through several actors, resulting in misleading labels and influencing customers decisions. Blockchain can keep a transparent and tamper-proof record of transactions thus prove the usage of- e.g. sustainable materials, real origins of a product or the working conditions for a specific region.
Similar problems also do occur in cross jurisdictional governance process, where financial aid is a subject of long bureaucratic procedure. Money streams become hard to track resulting in lost donations reaching their original targets. Donors, whether it is a country, a company or a single person, cannot see the purpose for what the donated money was being used for, nor are they able to access the results of their efforts. Such in transparent actions can eventually bring donors to lose interest. Developing countries actually focus on much needed economic growth, so if donations do not take place, these countries will lack resources and the economic growth will not be a sustainable growth.
The level of transparency on blockchain technology can address various problems discussed above and many more also help us to bring a more sustainable world. However, understanding how blockchain can help the environment and fight climate change does not always become easy. Especially when other technologies, like Artificial Intelligence,Data Analytics, Internet of things come into play..!
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